Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Dennis, kita akan segera bertemu

Thanks teman teman kecilku aku cuma pergi sebentar. Belajar tekun agar tidak menyesal dikemudian hari. Aku mau fokus ujian dulu, fokus UAS, ujian praktek, UNAS, snmptn, tanggal 11/12/13 insyaAllah rencananya mau off dari dunia maya, berhenti ngestalking, and whatever about update. I'm genius and i know what i do. Itu do'a, bukannya menyombongkan diri. Kalian seharusnya bisa membedakan. Suatu saat panggil aku 'dok' atau 'dokter iik'
’;~ Ayrania Tojo said #azmacraifawh #azmac #raifawh #ikbarfathimahazzahra

Senin, 09 September 2013

Hari ini

Hari ini...
aku menghentikan pembuatan novelku sampai aku masuk perguruan tinggi yang aku dan orangtuaku inginkan *Aamiin...* kami ingin aku jadi dokter. Untuk novelku, aku tunda setelah aku lulus dan diterima di PTN favorit seperti cita-cita ayahku. mungkin akan ada beberapa judul novel (rencananya 5, termasuk Cisi-Lora) masih perlu research lagi.

Mulai sekarang, aku akan benar-benar sangat fokus untuk cita-citaku ini. Aku mau untuk sekali saja impianku tercapai. Untuk project, juga aku tunda dulu,, mungki umurku bertambah menjadi tujuh belas dan lebih tua saat aku membuka blog-blogku yang bersarang, tapi yang jelas aku hanya ingin membahagiakan orangtuaku sekali ini saja...

Untuk jodoh, aku tidak terlalu memikirkannya... seperti akhir-akhir ini, kata "seketemunya" jadi kata favoritku, tapi yang aku inginkan....
 cuma Dennis.

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

The Ballon of love

Now, i decide to open my new heart after my last heart going "die" (real definition).
I meet someone who remember me about my past. about Dennis exactly..
There are many similarity with Dennis, His name is .... no, you don't have to know :P

These is  the sameness:

He is clever. He join an association for teen and children,,
Dennis is clever. He join the student exchange with me,,

He is kindly. He help me when i fall from my motorcycle, polite to older,
Dennis is kindly. He offer his seat to me sit on his side, wake me up at 3 am.

and more that I dont have to mention here.
Also, they have some difference:

He wear glasses and i think he can read my mind (i don't judge)
Dennis not wear a glasses, and he cannot read my mind. otherwise, i can read his mind, cause he was in my dream :')

I don't know why he make me sense...
Mysterious? yes, he is

I feel, i met Dennis in real world.. not a dream :|

A little confusion, on my brain i love my classmate, he sit on the corner and his aptitude of computer. maybe you know...
But, in my heart i always curious 'bout "The boy with glasses" then.

By the way, now i'm starting to write a novel,, hope me win the competition. okay?
that maybe my first novel, and the project Cisi-Lora after that..
now,  "The boy with glasses" was fine too,, :)

Good night... :D *Zzzz...*